The earth, the sky, air, water, trees and forests are our home, our shelter.
It is our pleasure and duty to give a functional and poetic dimension to man’s living space. Such dimensions has its origin from the awareness that everything a man does always relates to others and it is therefore communication.
Our surroundings help us re-conciliate with life and re-discover its beauty.
So architecture double function is to hold and protect people and to define men’s space.
Working with wood is a step in this direction. The careful use of this precious material, in the fullest respect for its nature, is a poetic act.
The quality of the structures comes from our ability to give a high meaning to the space we live in.
Even the techniques employed, such as interlocking (more suitable to wood), are a part of this discovery. The clearly defined joints become an element of beauty.
Giuseppe Rivadossi has also felt the need to carve his wood structures entirely from blocks from the very beginning.
The results of these two different yet equally effective techniques have a very different poetic meaning. The structures made of interlocked parts communicate the beauty of rationality and technology; those entirely carved from block evoke the earth, caverns, primeval memories.
Lately this method has reached its own maturity. The structures carved from wood blocks have become simpler in shape and lighter in size, suggesting a sudden appearance of light.
Our living space is the landscape of our lives, of the relationships with our loved ones. The structures and images that define this space must help us find that great sense of unity between us and the everything outside of us, relation which constitutes the purpose of our being human.